A very busy week. Frequent yawns, headaches, insomnia, eye-aches, neck-aches have been my constant companions since IA started. Did I strain myself too hard or was it purely lack of interest? I finally found the answer yesterday. Okie, it's like this. There are 2 completely different worlds just across 2 opposite desks.
My Desk

A computer nerd stares at the screen everyday, busy compiling & allocating I/O tags for field devices. No other visible activities, no obvious deadlines. Almost 800 device signal tags in 2 days! Feel brain really hot. So hot that yawning becomes much more frequent this week...
Opposite Desk
An angmoh stones here. Designing new plant equipments for the upcoming plant expansion, he calls up his colleagues in US to discuss ChE problems related to equipment design, almost everyday. Initially I was like "ic ic".. But later on, as I was listening him discussing more & more, it becomes 好羡慕啊! Initial IA plan is to learn some useful process control stuff. In the end realised I still cannot resist the great lure of "core chemical engineering". Maybe used to do hands-on chem. eng. stuff & now those are beyond reach...
I think I'd rather be a process engineer, focusing on core chemical engineering problems, like doing mass balances, tinkering with valves, distillation columns, reactors, troubleshoot process problems, etc.. Really miss the life as a production technician while in SOXAL, despite sometimes worked in rains & frequently under scorching sun, heavy workload, not-really-safe working environment, frequent OTs. Sounds mad? But it's one of few things from which I derive great fulfilment.
Haiz, life is like that. Most of the time, we gotta do things that we don't really like. But, if I didn't go through all these, I wouldn't realise what I truly like. It's human nature...