Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Change is a natural process
Everything undergoes some form of changes
If there are no changes, life would be so boring!

Interactions with people and environment make us change
Some for the better, some for the worse
However, the crux of the matter is...
After all the flurry of efforts made for improvements,
Are people willing to "change" their expectations on us?
Would people "discard" their stereotype of us?
Most importantly, would they be "supportive" of our changes?
Or they'd rather prefer our old, problematic self?

In today's hectic life
People often want to see fast results
Overlooking the fact those results are often impermanent in nature

The human mind and behaviour is a very complex matter
Mindset changes may have occured in the conscious and sub-conscious mind
However it may not be immediately visible from the behaviour
As people need to go through a transition period
To adapt to and internalise the changes made

All these aside, there's two things for sure
It's demoralising when people do not believe that we can and will change
It's sad when changes made are not being supported

The final question is...
How the changes should be made,
such that people around us won't be hurt,
and that they are willing to accept the new us,
at the same time, our goals can be attained?
It's really a profound art

Perhaps only The Enlightened One could answer this question

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