Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year Resolution

This year, I celebrated the New Year by watching a movie alone today, for the 1st time. Since I watched the 1st film of this sequel (National Treasure), I've eagerly waited for the 2nd one, National Treasure: Book of Secrets. The solving of puzzles based on cryptic clues & the rich culture & stories hidden in the historical objects are simply too astonishing & exciting! Although the plot & ending are similar to the 1st one, nonetheless I felt it's still worth watching for those who like adventure-type films. Really hope there'll be a 3rd one!

Looking back the Year 2007, much changes have taken place, whether it's appearance, emotions or life perspectives.

My New Year Resolution for Year 2008 :

#1 Good health for my family, relatives, friends & me
#2 To have better communication skills & more expressive
#3 To have better memory, coz my volatile memory capacity seems to be slowly increasing
#4 To be more decisive in everything
#5 To have better self-discipline, priority & time management
#6 To be more creative in thinking & doing things
#7 To gain weight, coz I'm too skinny
#8 To travel to overseas more, so as to gain wider exposure

Welcome Year 2008 - The Year of Hope

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