One of the Shell Apprentice Teams, haha(Phew, luckily we're not fired!)
Hurray! No more assignments, reports, projects, quizzes. Our weeks of hard work on Shell project crystallised into a 12-min presentation to a 6-judge panel (4 Shell staff, Prof Leslie & Prof Teo) on "How to make a refinery to be more green and yet remain more competitive?"
I must shout this loudly : Our team got the 3rd prize for this presentation!
When Dr Lim said "The winner of the 3rd prize is Group K". I was thinking "Who is Group K?" Then I heard me & my team members names, "Har, we won? Hontoni?" That moment, I wanna say, thank you Papa, thank you Mama, thank you everyone T_T
Again, it's my lucky number 3. Each of us got S$20 NTUC vouchers! Haha, of course for an NTUC regular like me, this came in handy. Then It so happens that we've got stuff on progressive crude distillation, membrane distillation, CO2 & NOx emissions reduction. Among the panel of jugdges, Prof Teo is a membrane expert (I didn't know lo!) & another Shell staff is a furnace expert! When they say it, I was thinking "Oh shit!". Actually I already felt uneasy yesterday night, since NOx is a rather neglected part in most of the research on refinery emissions reduction & yet we're trying to present it. Sure kena arrows la! During Q&A, the furnace expert really asked us questions & somehow I didn't managed to answer everything he wanted to know.
Btw, Lenard's team got 2nd prize for innovative ideas on algae-based technology, some of them developed at MIT (my dream uni), green freedom & also solutions based on short, medium & long term needs. As expected, the top prize went to the God's team (TK's friend), with self-constructed process flowchart for integration of 3 green processes.
But luckily, with good research done by other team members & excellent presentation by our presenters, CS and SZ, we made it through despite my lousy answer. I know you heard it thousands of times liao. But I must say "Thanks, Chiuseng. Thanks, Shu Zheng". Hahaha...
That great feeling is back. So motivated! Now, it's time to work hard for the exams. Everyone, ganbatte yo!