Sunday, August 31, 2008






Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Future, So Near Yet So Distant

I don't know what happened. Nowadays, I frequently had a feeling that I'm so stupid & blur. Felt tired most of the time & had to ask people to repeat what they told or asked me. People must have been very fed up with me. So sorry if you are 1 of them.

Recently the problem of future career plans also surfaced. Before that, I already set my mind on pharma or biopharma industry. But recent discussions with people around me stir up my mind. Will I earn enough if I continue to work in as an engineer? A lot of times, I seriously wonder if I have what it takes to be a businessman or entrepreneur. I thought before that maybe I can become a technopreneur, to satisfy my interest in technologies, at the same time be more entrepreneurial. Maybe I can develop some practical & novel technologies which I can market. Sounds too far-fetched for a person like me? Haha, maybe possible after I got my MIT Masters degree. As if I can get in...

Nowadays, my life is flooded with projects and assignments. I've been trying to be more hardworking than last sem. Somehow I'm still very slack. It's so hard to recover to the super-high enthusiasm level in my poly days.

Never mind, I shall continue trying. Never let failures get in the way to success!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Let Go and Move On

In life, misery is often due to not letting go
Simply because of a ray of hope

Although I know it's impossible right from the start
I still attempted it, with enthusiasm and optimism
When the truth lies flat in front of your eyes
It's pointless to indulge in self-delusion anymore

After struggling for quite some time
I finally decided to let it go, bit by bit
It's time to wake up from that dream
A dream that will never come true

It's alright, we grow when we make mistakes
It's part and parcel of life

Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Lazy Week

Just like a small kid starting school after a long holiday, I look forward to the new sem. But I don't know why leh, I feel really lazy, don't wish to do anything, although there are tons of things that I'm supposed to do. Haiz, so 惭愧 to say that. Here are some updates on what I've been doing for this week.

[ KTV No Enough 2 ]

Since Shu & TK hadn't had enough concert time in last session, we (me, JY, Shu & TK) went to KTV again on Wednesday. This time really sang a lot of songs. I finally tried singing all 6 of Yoga's songs available for K-ing! Haha!

It's rare for us to wear so bright and colourful. Lol!

Hmm, think I should listen to more English songs & also female Mandarin songs, for trying out next time, haha.

[ Final Year Project ]

Finally met my 师傅s last Tue to discuss FYP. Haiz, kena sabo by him. It's only the 1st meeting, but I was asked to find out the protein refolding kinetics model, try to program them into MATLAB, plot out the concentration profiles of native protein, denatured-and-reduced protein & protein aggregates in CSTR & finally plot out the yield and recovery. Then by trial & error, try to find out the proper refolding & aggregation rate constants that fit the experimental data from the journal. Walao, thanks sia!

Well, it's a huge challenge for me. I'll do my best.

[ Core subjects & electives ]

Looks like most of the core subject lectures are gonna be boring & info-packed. I just hope that when the long string of assignments & projects roll out gradually, things will get more interesting. As for Formulation of API, on the 1st lecture, I kena arrowed unexpectedly by guided missile (if you know what I mean). Maybe I really look like an easy target for the profs, haha.

Yeah! It's holiday now until Monday. I shall recharge a bit & then hopefully can start afresh motivatedly :)