Saturday, September 20, 2008

Virgoans, 生日快乐!

Phew, finally has time to post this. So busy lar!

Ok, who are the Virgoans? Find it out as you read along :)

It's quite obvious who's the BOSS here right?

Virgo 一号

Virgo 二号

The Rankine Power!

So honoured to have 3 of the ATP Flowers to take this pic with us :)

JY: "Please.. please.. Listen to my 冷笑话"

TK: "I shall ignore you"

SZ: "Zzz.. I'm so sleepy lar"

JY: "Oh no... How can you all ignore me? Hmpf!"

Arigato gozaimasu for celebrating my birthday on 29 Aug 2008 & treating me Seafood Pasta & a cake at Billy Bombers (JP). So 感动 lor!


Anonymous said...

oh no!
herman... you heard my 心声... always get ignored lo!
So ke lian right!


Anonymous said...

Yesh de, I heard it. 有回音..有回音..有回音..

Don't be sad, not everyone will ignore u :)