Sunday, February 22, 2009

Enlightened Again

It's recess again, but it's my last one in NTU. As usual, it’s a period of catching up & thinking about what to do next. Although there are many things to do, I've been taking things easier now. I’m only worrying about things which are really important. It's seems to be a good thing. For things which are beyond my control & irreversible, I’ll let go.

Today met up with an old friend to have a chit chat. Realized I've been so financially unsavvy all along and made a painful mistake, now experiencing its aftereffects. A lot of times, it really doesn’t take much time and effort to come up with a good plan and idea, it just need a calm and rational mind. It’s an “area for improvement” (quoted from Richard, the HRM lecturer)

All along, I have not been able to do things I really want to do, due to many constraints. I’ve been trying to change myself to adapt to the environment. I’m akin to a small bird trapped in a cage, able to see the wonderful things happening outside, but can’t do anything to experience it. The next step is to overcome the psychological activation energy. I need to try changing the environment slightly, to let people slowly understand what I wish to do. When this happens, I can take a breather and do meaningful things to broaden my experiences & insights & fly out of the cage for a moment...

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