Time period : 29 June – 1 July 2007 (3D2N)
Journey : Singapore - Open Sea – Singapore
29 June 2007
I Photo-Taking Session

I took a rubber frame one & it’s S$10.50!! Yeah, I know it’s very expensive, but I don’t have much photos to recollect, so I just grabbed it. It’s a such 难得 occasion!
I Music & Performances

The Grand Piazza Reception (Deck 7)
The Bellini Bar (Deck 8)
The Bar @ The Galaxy of Stars (Deck 12)
Show Area @ The Galaxy of Stars
Star Observatory Deck
Variety of performances by SuperStar Virgo Pianist, Show Band & Musicians there. It's rather soothing.
I Swimming Pools
There are 2 of them, one is Parthenon (for adults mainly) and Neptune's Wet N' Wild (for kids). Nice areas for relaxation.

The Parthenon Pool (Deck 12)

The Taveria Bar (Pool View)

Neptune's Wet N' Wild (Deck 12)
The Taveria Bar (Top Deck)
Sun-Tanning Area (Top Deck)

The Rear Area @ Top Deck
I Food & Beverages
Most of my dining took place here
Western or Chinese food & Mediterranean Buffet. Basically, eat till u drop!!! By the way, I saw Rong Zheng during supper at the buffet restaurant. 真是巧啊!
I Casino

The Famous Oasis
Hmm, while exploring different decks on Friday night, noticed something odd. Where have all the people gone?? Then when I reached Oasis, I found the answer. It’s 人山人海!!! Obviously, most people go on board for gambling. The majority was rich aunties & tai-tai(s), who bet like there’s no tomorrow. I found Roulette particularly interesting & also learnt how to play it. I didn’t bet of course, purely "eye power". Haha…
Some "eye-opener" observations.
1) An auntie placed multiple bets on 80% of the 36 numbers available & each chip costs S$10!! When her number didn’t appear, imagined the pain. Arrgh!
2) A tycoon-like person exchanged S$5,000 for S$100 chips & bet like the previous one. His number appeared & he won $11,000+. OMG!
3) There is a VIP room for people to make big bets. Min S$5,000 per bet!
Where on earth these rich people coming from? Sooo loaded to the extent that each chip is like 5 cents to them. If they have sooo much money to give away, why not give some to charities or maybe can give it to me too. I’ll make full use of it, of course not to gamble it away. Hahaha...
30 June 2007
I Dragon Beard Candy Making

It’s made using a 2,000-year old technique introduced into Imperial Court of ancient China. The China chef repeatedly stretched a mass of sugar & maltose & thousands of strands can be formed. Amazing!

黃嘉千 (Pic not taken by me)
This was the highlight of the day. I watched her shows (超级星期天) before, normally dressed older than her actual age. But that day, she appeared in 玉女形象. She looked much better & younger. She sang a few songs, 点唱 & 自弹自唱, including 勇气, 月亮代表我的心, 新不了情, 风铃, 爱拚才会赢, a song in Taiwanese dialect. She’s bubbly & humorous. 看现场表演真爽! The ticket's S$20, with her poster! Hmm, at least better spent compared to gambling.
I Magic Show by Mike Michaels (Las Vegas, USA)
Sooo many people! Hmm, saw Rong Zheng sitting at next table & chatted a bit. Couldn’t really see clearly, but final part is interesting!
1 July 2007
After returning to Singapore, we all went to VivoCity, together with bro, sis & cousin. Had lunch at Food Republic for the 1st time, it’s also 人山人海. 好怀旧啊!
While strolling around, we saw 4 Japanese girls. They looked so IN! Worth highlighting is a girl with very short & an all-white hair & white eyebrows & whitish face. Her overall appearance & 神情 looked just like the character in manga!
HEY!! nice holiday there!!
hahaha... i knw i knw... i dealt with all those silly gamblers b4 in genting. They can bet RM1000 per chips in genting and lose more than RM100k a night but scold us for not giving them a free room cost RM1000. How silly~~ >_O
and hey! ur blog getting more n more interesting!! keep it up oh~
Yah lor, so silly.. Haha, they really 赌到走火入魔...
Thank you thank you... Ok, I'll try my best to improve it further. Haha..
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