Thursday, July 5, 2007

KTV @ K-Box Chinatown

After IA story-telling session, ATP went KTV-ing. In the quest for S$10-Family KTV Outlet, we strolled around Outram area, searching for Smith Street. We passed by the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum. Curious, we went in to explore. 真的是大开眼界! Weird thing was that some of the things inside seemed to emphasise a lot on the material aspects, instead of the spiritual ones. Besides showing the price of some gold structures & statues, the description of Buddha Tooth Relic all focus on the physical construction/parts of the Tooth Relic Chamber & none on the significance of the Relic itself.

By the way, the above isn't a critic, but purely observations. I just felt that it's the thought that counts, not how much we spent to build the temple.

All those things aside, this visit somehow made me felt a bit guilty. Proclaiming myself as a Buddhist, but seldom go to temple to pray or chant, after I came to S'pore. 重点 was after exiting the temple, my mind felt very calm...

Today only 六个人 KTV-ing, as K-King (Liming) was too busy to hold his concert today & CS got some serious practice to do. Despite feeling tired & throat not really in tip-top condition (most of us felt so), I sang quite a few songs, although "zau sia" rather seriously. Yeah! I managed to improve my mike-holding skills to further project out my voice. Thanks to TK 师傅 for enlightening me. But, I still owed him S$50 for the tuition fee! Grrr, no discount despite GSS. Expensive leh!

Finally, JY & SZ held their own concerts, with SZ getting 怀旧, singing the oldies & JY as usual, with a mix of oldies & newbies & ZR singing more today. SZ, JY & ZR (aka S.H.E. of ATP) 挑战极限, trying to hit impossibly-high notes & they did it! And hor, somehow the duo (aka J.S. of ATP) getting more & more 暧昧, after singing a few duets. Luckily they didn't sing 暧昧 or else it'll give goosebumps! Hmm, looks like CS speculation may be correct after all... ~~Grrr~~

After whole-day activities, felt dead-beat tired. Still 3 days to the start of IA, have plenty of time to rest. Haha, Dean & Vice-Dean planning to hold "Reunion Lunch/Dinner" after 1st month of IA (i.e. when we got our 1st payslip). 好期待那一天的到来...

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