Saturday, October 6, 2007


Earlier just went with my bro & ex-room mate to the funeral of ex-landlady's mother-in-law. So shocked when I got the news this afternoon. Felt very sad during the bus-journey back home, as I recalled back her acts of kindness. I just visited her few months ago & she's still looked as healthy as usual, just that her movements a bit slower. Things come so suddenly. Haiz...

The ex-landlady, landlord & her mother-in-law treated me like their own family members. She's a refined lady, soft-spoken, cheerful, dotes on children & always put others needs before hers. Often, she'll gave us fruits/snacks or asked us to join them for dinner. Sometimes they even noticed we feel tired of outside food & cooked porridge with some dishes for us. I was so touched. I don't think I'd ever get such a kind-hearted landlady elsewhere, which is why I stayed there for 4 years, the longest ever in my room-rental history.

This reminds me that we should cherish those around us, our family, friends & loved ones and never wait until they left us. I'll always remember her kindness. May she finds her place in the Heaven...

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