Friday, December 19, 2008

A Pseudo Holiday

Last semester ended long time ago, but I just managed to catch a breath or two to update this dusty blog... (*Sweep sweep*)

Hmm, the FYP has been getting so intensive that I hardly have time to rest. But lotsa thanks to all my saviours who have been helping me with their valuable critics and opinions, which have helped me to tide over this very difficult time. (*90 degree bow*)

Haiz, my last semester in NTU is coming soon. As usual, there are mixed feelings. Feel happy that I'm finally going to graduate & work soon. But, my student life is going to end soon. With everyone around me talking about how bad the economy is, more or less I feel a bit worried. But I still hope everything goes well. Yah, just do my best to apply for as many suitable jobs as possible.

As for soft issues, it's still the same, not much improvements. In fact, it has been deteriorating. Maybe it has already reached equilibrium long ago & things will go on to be like that. Somehow there is always a barrier. Hmm, never mind. Somehow I just feel that it's best to ask rather than assuming too many things. Especially for soft issues, it cannot be simply understood by "rational analysis with reasonable assumptions".

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