Friday, July 20, 2007

Ups and Downs of Life

It's the weekend again. Sooo tired...

Talking about work, some sad things happened. My supervisor hasn't been around most of the time, similar to last week. But this week, she finally joined me & another 2 colleagues for lunch, for the 1st time! Hmm, she kept talking about work with the rest & didn't talk much to me. From the time she sat down, I didn't have a chance to interrupt their conversation, as she spoke a lot & rather fast. As I finished my lunch 1st, I waited for them & also rested for a while. When I finally had a chance, she said "If you want to leave, you can leave first. No need to wait here", in a rather cold tone. I was stunned! I don't think that I was over-sensitive or what. I really "SENSED" that she really has bad impression on me. Althou my communication skills really sucks, but my 6th sense for this purpose is quite accurate. Since IA started, she talked to me only a few times. I tried to approach her to ask her questions, if not, even lesser conversation. Usually, she can joke & laugh out loudly with others, but not with me. I was wondering it may have been my sulky/tired face that cause all these problems. But others treated me well, laughing & joking, much better than I expected it to be. Maybe she dislikes my personality or maybe she doesn't like the way I work or maybe just 八字不和. I really don't know...

How am I going to work under her for another 20 weeks? It's so sad. I wonder why she accepted me. I'd rather she scold me for doing sth not to her liking or just reject me during interview. Now I can only try my best to smile more & more (thou I feel tired most of the time, dun ask me why, coz I also dunno) & find more opportunities to talk to her, esp. non-work related matters. I really cherished the opportunity to work here & I want to make it a memorable experience, but not in a sad atmosphere. Haiz, I'd better stop here, if not it gets more & more emo.

Talking about happie things, today the manager drove us to nearby Pioneer Food Village & treated us lunch. The food was very nice & fresh, thou rather expensive, similar to restaurant price. But, I seriously recommend it to those who work around Tuas Biomedical Park area, it's worth it! Ooh, glutton me =) This week has been slightly more productive. I've started on my mini-project liao. It's so interesting. There's so many things I don't know, plenty of things to learn :) Okie, I just hope that overall, things will turn out better. Of course I won't unreasonably expect everyone in this world to treat me well, but at least let me know what really happened or what aren't ok.

God bless!


Anonymous said...

dun be sad fren, maybe she is still not used to working with IA student.
if you have done your part, then dun worry too much about it.
jiayou! 20 weeks will pass really fast!


Anonymous said...

I hope so. Maybe I expect too much from her...

Yah, I tried my best for my work le... Hope that she judged me more on my work rather than how I appear to them...

Arigato gozaimashita, JY. Okie, I'll jiayou de. U also jiayou yah :)


Anonymous said...

YAY! one month has passed! yoooohoooooo!!!

not to worry, it will end real SOON! wahahhaha


Anonymous said...

Hahaha, yah 3rd wk liao... Time flies.

Okie, I'll try not worry too much. Thanks, pal :)