Friday, September 7, 2007


这个星期, 工作让我有不一样的体验. I don't know why, even though I've been there for only a while, but I feel a strong sense of belonging. People there really treat me well, despite I frequently appear to be quiet & tired.

My department people are like a small, close-knit family to me. They'll come to "jio" me for lunch everyday. I especially respect the manager - no air of a manager at all. He often sits in front of me during lunch & starts asking me things, although he's a rather quiet guy. When I bump into him, he'll always greet me with a nod & smile. Then the ang moh automation team leader is also very friendly & always smiling. After a meeting with him yesterday, he came over to ask me if I could cope with the tasks. He also doesn't give me 高高在上的感觉 at all.

Hmm, just knew today my initial mentor will be my new supervisor. A very friendly guy, cheerful & always patient with me. Maybe he's only a few years older than me, 所以比较谈得来. Then another mentor is a soft-spoken guy, very fatherly & patient with me. He has a best friend from mechanical department, always like to joke around & make fun of me, haha...

What I feel very different about the environment here is they really care about your personal development, don't feel irritated when I ask them a lot of questions & would often explain to me at length. Even if they are busy, they'll tell me nicely & not "bin chao chao". The fatherly mentor frequently gave me advice on what things to learn more during my stay there, so that after I graduate I will have a better chance of joining in. The engineer is like a brother to me. Yesterday he "ajak" me to join the weekly meeting & ask me to help him do test protocol, so I can learn things other than just drawing graphics. Then today the manager asked me to join another weekly meeting, to learn how to design control strategies for the new project that I'm involved in now.

Today after the loop check, I realised there are still so many things about what I've been doing for the past 2 months that I don't understand at all. I concentrated mainly on mechanical aspects of the work, wanna complete the work faster since so many tags to work on & tried not to make any mistakes. Hmm, from now onwards, I must delve deeper & ask more thinking questions, so that 我不会辜负他们.

I finally found my dream company, in which I found a sense of mission, with people really caring about you as a person & giving you challenging tasks to do. Yeah!

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