Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Music Meme

Kena tagged by Jia Yee. Interesting game. Confusing, Caution!

:: How to Play ::
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense. No cheating.
4. With the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.
5. Tag 5 people.

How are you feeling today?
:: 江南 by 林俊傑 ::

Feeling moody & sad today. I accompanied my Agong coming from Indo to see doctor. Despite suffering from pain in his hand and back, he never stops caring about me. When I was reminded of how hard he worked in the past, tears almost rolled off my eyes. I tried to bury that heavy thought upstream of River South, but only to realise it came back with more pain and sorrow downstream.

Will you get far in life?

:: 你给的 by 石欣卉 ::

Hmm, that depends. I hope people around me (family & friends) could give me the support I need when I embark on sth I feel important. Without them, I’ll never get far in life.

How do your friends see you?
:: 不会分离 by 光良 ::

A bookworm? A blur-sotong? A shy-panda? But I hope it’s not very bad. I just wish the friendship-bond 不会分离.

Will you get married?
:: 飞机场的10.30 by David Tao ::

Well, I will if I manage to ask her not to leave after mustering my courage to tell her my feelings before she left for the 10.30 flight at Changi Airport. What a lame & drama answer!

What is your best friend’s theme song?
:: 爱很简单 by David Tao ::

Best friend ar? Quite a few wor. But the theme is the same, i.e. simple & sincere. That will do.

What is the story of your life?
:: 烟火 by 光良 ::

My life is like a series of chem rxns. Upon addition of different reagents (inspiration from different people) during the course of rxn, different colour, products & impact are generated. I do hope that my life will conclude beautifully like a 烟火, without any regret.

What was high school like?

:: 晴天 by Jay Chou ::

Haha, it certainly matched what I felt then. Happily enjoying every moment of school life with a group of like-minded bookworms. It was fun doing aerobic exercise early in the sunny Friday morning with a large group of friends & teachers. Even thou there are occasional dark clouds, but most of the time it’s 晴天.

What’s in store for this weekend?
:: 安静 by Jay Chou ::

Hmm, dunno. I seldom plan my weekends. Probably as 安静 as usual. Haha, maybe I should try to spend my weekend playing like crazy with a bunch of crazy friends… Ooh, who am I referring to? Oops, no offence!

How’s your life going?
:: 当我们同在一起 by 王羚柔 ::

Contrary to the song’s mood, life has gotten quite tense recently. But it has shown signs of slowing down. Probably I’ve gotten too tired pushing myself to reach the targets that I set. People often say I’m too stressed. Well, at this moment, I’m recalling the happy memories of my life while relaxing in this song…

How can you get ahead in life?
:: Heaven Knows by Rick Price ::

Erm, I’m the type who believes that effort is more important than luck. So I’ll continue to put in effort for things I believe will work out in the end. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll blame it on my luck! Haha, only Heaven knows what’s in store for me.

What’s the best thing about your friends?
:: Flying Without Wings by Westlife ::

Haha, my friends are like angels to me. Thou they don’t have wings, I can imagine them always flying by my side. They occupy a very special place in my heart. These 3 years have been one of my happiest moments in life, surrounded by a group of very special friends. What more can I ask for?

What song will they play at your funeral?
:: 背影 by 林宥嘉 ::

1 of my favourite songs. I’ll be more than happy if people are willing to play it for me. Hmm, I don’t wish people to remember me after I go, not even my 背影. Coz I know I often create troubles for people around me & also don’t bring happiness them. I just hope they’ll forgive me.

How does the world see you?
:: 他一定很愛你 by 阿杜 ::

I certainly hope so!

Will you have a happy life?
:: If You Come Back by Blue ::

I dunno. If someone I missed so much can come back to me, even for a while, I would be happy.

Do people secretly lust after you?
:: On The Run by Natalie Imbruglia ::

Haha, certainly impossible. Nobody in the right frame of mind would do that. I’m always on the run, nobody has the free time to run after me also!

How can you make yourself happy?
:: My Anata by David Tao ::

Perhaps by indulging myself in my very own, crazy, ideal & music-filled world.

What should you do with your life?
:: 光年 by 李圣杰 ::

Hmm, perhaps I’d spend light years to understand what life is truly about. I’m still working to improve it. But huge challenges lie ahead, as always.

Will you ever have children?

:: I Love You by Joanna Wang ::

I love children, but I don’t wish the world to have a few more people like me. But a quick reality check predicts that the answer is most likely no.

What song would you strip to?
:: I Believe by David Tao ::

Ooh, I believe I won’t strip de… No strong muscles, no 6 pads. Aiyoh, nothing interesting to see also lar.

What does your mum think of you?
:: 那首歌 by 林宥嘉 ::

Like all other mums in the world, she always thinks that I’m a 长不大的孩子. Her unwavering care & love for me is just like 那首歌.

What is your deep, dark secret?
:: Superwoman by 曹格 ::

Haha, my deep dark secrets? I turn into Superwoman during the full-moon night? Haha, Superman still ok, but for show only lar... (*Vomit*)

What is your mortal enemy’s theme song?
:: Jewel by Ayumi Hamasaki ::

I do have mortal enemies, but that’s in the past liao. Astonishing? But I won’t throw precious jewels to them for revenge la.

What’s your personality like?
:: 童話 by 光良 ::

I admit I’m a perfectionist, trying to achieve ideal results, which most likely only happen in fairy tales. I’m quite a dreamy person at times, because I strongly believe that life without dreams is boring. But I'll try to use practical & down-to-earth methods to achieve my dreams.

What song will be played at your wedding?
:: Beautiful by Christina Aguilera ::

Wah, kena jackpot! If that day ever comes, I’ll tell her “You are so beautiful today & you will always be beautiful in my heart”. Hu la la, I can’t believe I actually said such mushy words.

You are tagged :
1. Chiu Seng
2. Lenard
3. Err... no more liao


Anonymous said...

Wah Herman! You responded so fast! Only tagged yesterday and you posted yours liao.

Quite difficult to crap out some relation of the song title right!? But some are exactly what I feel. haha.

(*Hint: I purposely left chiuseng for you to tag lo!!! Muahahahha!!)


Herman said...

Haha, coincidentally I visited my blog yest. Since not much things to do, so I try it out...

Yesh de, difficult to crap. Somemore, I don't really have gd understanding of the song meanings. So answer literally only.

Haha, I tagged Chiu Seng liao le..
