Saturday, May 10, 2008


This time I gotta admit 人算不如天算. After a fortnight of intense temp job search, still can't find one. Initially was planning to go back Indo to celebrate Mother's Day after temp job is confirmed. Haiz...

Then looking for a room to stay also proves to be a challenge. With sky-rocketing housing prices, people are demanding expensive rental fees while supplying less facilities. Hope this one can make it.

Price of everything is going up nowdayz. With global worries of tight energy supplies & ever-increasing voracious appetite for energy, oil price continuously breaks records. At the same time, food price also increases, bcoz of higher energy & fertiliser costs, greater global demand, droughts, loss of rice farmland to biofuel plantations & commodities speculators. This is exacerbated by global warming, with high temperature causing more perspiration, making people thirsty at a faster rate. With food & water getting scarce, people become more pek chek & aggressive. Aircon usage will be like never before, again this increases energy consumption & electricity bill like hell. Then people become even more pek chek & this vicious cycle continues.

The high energy price already affects people's lives. Like what happened in my Indo home, according to my mum, blackout occurs virtually every other day. Why does this happen despite Indo has large amount of natural gas reserves in Natuna Islands (viz. part of Riau Islands province) which can be used as clean fuel to generate electricity? Well, fuel price is the culprit again.

Hmm, it's been said that the explosive growth of China & India create tremendous economic opportunities for the rest of the world. This is true. However, it seems that more wealth does not equate to better quality of life. With the average world's standard of living increases with time, there's bound to be higher energy consumption. What do all these all lead to? Guess we all know the answer already.

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