Wednesday, July 30, 2008

End-of-Holiday Meet-Up

We had a gathering at Marina Square before final year starts. For KTV, I was glad that I tried a different style of singing, e.g. Yoga's 病态 (of strong Broadway flavour) and also 破天慌 tried to rap (as Tank) in Jade's 我就是这样. Haha, I got a round of applause for totally messing up the rap! The only 扫兴 thing, that damned Marina Square K-box cut short our concert by 2 hours!

Haha, a lot of new juicy gossips sprung out at the Marina Food Loft. Well, me & RJ had the honour of being interviewed by Shu on partner's requirements, to help her enlarge her dating-agency database (*Highly suspicious that only a handful of people actually exist in the database*). I can't help laughing when I recalled how funny & weird the conversation was, lol!

Then we continued our adventure at Suntec, having dinner with free-flow of ice creams, haha! Of course, more gossips & news follow up.

Ok, 话不多说,请看照片!

Xiao Jing Teng & Jolin wannabes

Super happy faces!

Haha, I like this picture the most.

I looked a bit 跩 here! (*Shu is invisible*)

The Famous Couple

A very rare picture wor!

Jolin-wannabe said :

Shu said "你看, 我多么神奇阿!" and
Zhirui said "我也不差. 我的笑容依然这么灿烂. 哈哈!"

Delightful faces at the end of the day :)

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Trip Back Home (21-25 July 2008)

This trip was probably the last one for this year, since the super-packed schedule for Year 4 may not allow me to go back during the next vacation.

Haha, can you smell it?

I didn’t do much at home, mostly helped to tend the shop & ate. Lol, we had a Durian Feast this time. But it’s so heaty that the moment the feast ended, I kinda having sore throat, felt as if I wouldn’t be able to talk the next day. The cure? A cup of salt water! For best result, pour the salt water into the durian shell & drink it from there. Although this method is of unknown origin, but it’s effective & for my case, the result was almost immediate :)

Haha, as usual, I ate to my hearts content all my favourite dishes, e.g. Bak Kut Teh, Spicy Fried Fish, Pork Cubes with Potato, Fried Fish with Tomato Sauce, Char Kuey Tiaw, etc. Not to forget the delicious Bak Chor Porridge With Egg that I had with my Agong every morning. So healthy & delicious!

The day before, I spent my last bit of salary on a new pair of glasses, since the current one is crooked, uncomfy (as it exerts quite an amount of stress on my head) & also cannot block computer radiation. After some recommendations by the optometrist, I chose a more comfy design with all the standard protective features plus an extra layer for blocking off computer radiation, which cost +/- $67 in total. Hmm, I think it’s quite cheap relative to here.

The good thing which happens every time I go back is that I have to adjust back my biological clock to normal & healthy range, which is kinda impossible to achieve while in Singapore.

About 1 more week left before the new semester starts. I can already sense the intensity of it. But I feel happy as I finally have something meaningful to do, instead of wasting away here. Must really work hard this time!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Since young, I've never been obsessed with any idols/singers/artistes. But recently, Yoga 林宥嘉 somehow created an unprecedented phenomenon :)


I went to see the concert with JY at TP last Thursday. Lol, it's my 1st time watching campus concert! It's great to hear him & Jade (刘力扬) sang live. My 1st impression of Yoga (from his competition performances) was that he's a rather quiet, but passionate person. But that night, he's actually very playful, humorous & high, haha! As for Jade, the actual person was so different from her MVs! She looked very 帅气 that night. Here are some pictures taken (Courtesy of JY)

Jade singing 我就是这样 (1 of my favourites in her album!)

Mary chatting with Yoga

深情对唱 "传说"

残酷月光 (In my opinion, 1 of his best 3 songs in his album, lol!)


Again this is my 1st time going to a singer's autograph session. His 迷幻的声音 actually resulted in a miracle! I bought his album! I have never bought a single album before, be it original or fake versions. Usually only my sis buys CDs, so I just listened along. I don't really have the habits of buying CDs, although I still support the singers haha!

Hmm, I don't have the photos for this.

Yes! 93.3FM 25th Anniversary Street Concert @ IMM

Haiz, I couldn't make it to this one, as it clashed with my sis & cousin house-moving. It's a pity :( But never mind, next time I'll go :)

Monday, July 14, 2008

New Roommate

I finally moved into the new place, with a new roomie. My 1st time staying with a close-friend-cum-coursemate. Haha, it's gonna be fun!

Hmm, 7788 with the arrangement of stuffs & also getting used to the new place. Haha, you must be wondering how a room of "2 young lads" will look like for a start. Messy and smelly? Lol, it's exactly the opposite, at least at a glance! However, the 2nd law of thermodynamics dictates that the entropy of the universe is ever increasing (Prof Teo's Golden Words & one of Chemical Engineers' most important mantras), you'll expect the room to be increasingly messy. Well, we'll see how far it can get, lol! But of course, with both of us being "folks who like neatness & cleanliness", we'll attempt to counter the 2nd law.

Hope I'm not a too-boring roommate :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Laugh Out Loud #3

Haha, enjoy!

^-^ 1

Wife: You always carry my photo in your handbag to the office. Why?
Husband: When there is a problem, no matter how impossible, I look at your picture and the problem disappears.
Wife: You see, how miraculous and powerful am I for you?
Husband: Yes, I see your picture and say to myself, "What other problem can there be greater than this one?"

^-^ 2

Teacher: Chong, you missed school last Friday.
Chong: You're wrong, Sir.
Teacher: Wrong, how is that?
Chong: I was absent, yes but I certainly didn't miss it!

^-^ 3

A boy came home from school with his exam results.

Father: What did u get?
Boy: My marks are under water.
Father: What do you mean 'under water'?
Boy: They are all below 'C' level
Father: -_-||| ... 老婆, 家法伺候!
Boy: Mummy, save me!
Mother: Oops!... You Did It Again (*Well, the mum has been idolising Ms Spears lately*)
Father: I'm definitely gonna spank you today until your results are above sea level next year!
Mother: 早知今日,有何必当初. Haiz... (*Returning to her room to watch Ms Spears' MVs*)
Boy: Ouch! ... Mummy, help!... Ouch!
Mother: Yeah! Baby baby one more time! (*Deeply engrossed in the music*)
Boy: Ouch!

^-^ 4

Patient: How much to have this tooth pulled?
Dentist: $90.00.
Patient: $90.00 for just a few minutes of work, huh?
Dentist: I can extract it very slowly if you like.
Patient: -_-|||

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Farewell Dinner for Yang Lin

Clockwise: Phyllis, Lenard, me, Sahara, Aik Leong, Weiming, Yang Lin

Waiting for the seafood.. Haiyoh, how come still haven't come yet?

Finally we had a long-awaited reunion of poly buddies yesterday @ Park Mall Fish & Co. We're all in the same & awesome DCHE/04 tutorial group, haha! Some of us haven't met for 5 years liao! Yang Lin is going to Australia (Melbourne) to do a Masters in Commerce for 1.5 years. She said all of us hadn't changed much in appearance since poly times, except herself & Lenard who looked more mature now. Quite true, haha!

Lenard & me putting our 1st touch on the yummy-looking Spicy Cawfish Spaghetti

Really appetizing appearance & smell lor!

We've had a wonderful time catching up with each other, under the nice atmosphere while enjoying the nice seafood, haha. Bursts of laughter could be heard throughout the dinner while we reminisced our poly times, chatting about work, family & future plans. Ooh, Sahara told me something which REALLY stunned me. She "claimed" that her younger sister (Aida) had a crush on me after their trip to Tanjung Pinang last time! I was like "Huh?! Oh my God!" & laughing countless times. Can't be serious right, Sahara? Haiyoh, how come so many matchmakers nowadays. Someone please save me from those matchmakers!

Sahara with a camera-ready COOL look,
Phyllis didn't know a camera was aiming at her ^-^
& Yang Lin just in time for the shot

Argh.. My hand maybe trembled a bit.

Delightful faces in front of yummylicious & fresh-from-the-oven seafood platter

After the sumptous meal, we continued jalan-jalan at Plaza Singapura. Haha, we went into John Little, which was having closing-down sale. The sales promoters were shouting as if they were in the wet market, lol!

In front of the aquarium at Plaza Singapura before going home

Lol, nice fengshui for photo-taking!

Thanks guys for such a nice gathering. Really had a lot of fun. All the best to Yang Lin for your studies. Hope we can have more gatherings like this in the future. Till we meet again & take care ^-^