Thursday, September 13, 2007


So many things going on this week. My ex-supervisor left on Tuesday. The day before, I gave her a box of Ferrero Rocher & she smiled happily. So glad. The next day, before leaving, she said "好好读书啊..." & gave me 3 golf balls with DeltaV logo printed on them. What a special gift... Though I don't play golf, they make good souveniers.

Past few days, has been busy with some urgent personal stuff & preparing for Susanna's visit. As always, tired & insufficient sleep. Finally she came today. Everything went smoothly initially, until I showed her the stuff that I've been doing for past 2 months. She saw an overview graphics for my project & asked me to explain the process & also the reactor size, then I stoned for a moment. My brain temporarily disconnected from my mouth & the tongue got entangled. I read about the process 3 weeks ago, so could only vaguely remember. I focused too much on automation part & neglected the process. How can an automation person trying to control a process which he does not know well enough? 真的是捶心肝啊!

Although my supervisor didn't say anything bad & Susanna seemed to be ok with what I told & showed her, but I'm really disappointed with my performance, in terms of my way of presenting information to her. It was so unclear, unconfident & obvious that I didn't prepare well at all. Tiredness also made simple smiles difficult.

Haiz, over the next 10 weeks, must really brush up on process aspects. Afterall, a chemical engineer is still most interested in how the process works. Really must 加油 ler!


Anonymous said...

hey, dun be so dissapointed la...

no one will know everything de ma.

ganbatte and cheer up!


Anonymous said...

jia you jia you jia you!


Anonymous said...

Yup, ganbatte ganbatte! I'll battle to the end, like that little boy :)