Sunday, July 20, 2008


Since young, I've never been obsessed with any idols/singers/artistes. But recently, Yoga 林宥嘉 somehow created an unprecedented phenomenon :)


I went to see the concert with JY at TP last Thursday. Lol, it's my 1st time watching campus concert! It's great to hear him & Jade (刘力扬) sang live. My 1st impression of Yoga (from his competition performances) was that he's a rather quiet, but passionate person. But that night, he's actually very playful, humorous & high, haha! As for Jade, the actual person was so different from her MVs! She looked very 帅气 that night. Here are some pictures taken (Courtesy of JY)

Jade singing 我就是这样 (1 of my favourites in her album!)

Mary chatting with Yoga

深情对唱 "传说"

残酷月光 (In my opinion, 1 of his best 3 songs in his album, lol!)


Again this is my 1st time going to a singer's autograph session. His 迷幻的声音 actually resulted in a miracle! I bought his album! I have never bought a single album before, be it original or fake versions. Usually only my sis buys CDs, so I just listened along. I don't really have the habits of buying CDs, although I still support the singers haha!

Hmm, I don't have the photos for this.

Yes! 93.3FM 25th Anniversary Street Concert @ IMM

Haiz, I couldn't make it to this one, as it clashed with my sis & cousin house-moving. It's a pity :( But never mind, next time I'll go :)


Anonymous said...

Did you parents ask you to stop seeing bad-influence-friend?
haha... zhong du bu qing.


Anonymous said...

Haha, they didn't know abt this. Shhhhh!

It's good influence. I'm heavily poisoned by music. Lol!