Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Closing of Blog
Friday, October 23, 2009
Dreams Come True
Friday, October 16, 2009
Pursue or Abandon?
Thursday, October 1, 2009
In Solitude... Again
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Meaningless Life
Yesterday's interview proved that I'm really not suitable to be a process engineer or engineer in general. I just don't have an engineer's mindset and ability. I spent many years pursuing my interest, only to realise that I'm not cut out for it. I'm truly stupid.
Got a lecture from an old friend of mine in MSN yesterday night. What he said is true. If I continue studying science/engineering, I'll continue to stay in my comfort zone. Because we most likely won't take risk and always attempt to predict risk. We won't take bold steps to change life, so will never be able to change it significantly. Unfortunately, that's only part of the reasons why I'm so miserable now. I'm still bogged down by other stupid stuffs.
I have no achievements, be it academic, materials or life. Disliked by people because of my character, my stupidity and my inability to like/do things normally people would like/do. Because I'm unable to connect with others, I messed up my life. Can't find any jobs. It's such a torture...
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Should I Switch?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Past, Present and Future
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
生活真的是单调, 感觉上好像缺少了什么东西。
人活在这个世上,有什么是值得留恋 ?
接下来得每一天, 希望有多一些开心,少一些悲伤.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
FYP Presentation
Ok, it's photo time!

Liming & Lenard + Kit Bun behind
Me & Prof Arvind
Kit Bun, Yahui, me, Prof Arvind, Lenard, Gui Jin & Qiwei
(Haha, it's so symmetrical, even though we just anyhow stand next to each other)
Design Project mates (Haha, all smiles, esp Lenard)
Monday, May 4, 2009
Almost Done!
This FYP made me realised how little I know about CSTR and batch reactor. Although it's nothing near impressive, but at least I've learnt sth new. But he's not convinced about my arguments, despite I've already made it very simple to grasp. He also heck care about what I write in my report and only care about formatting. So what if you have the best-formatted report in the world? If there's something wrong with the basics, no amount of formatting can make up for that. My report was the last one to be read, somemore read during design lecture. That goes to show how insignificant my work is to him. I tried to put in a lot of effort into getting the basics right. But did he know? I'm totally disappointed with him. Although I've really learnt a lot from him, in terms of how to approach & solve problems, but humans are still humans. Projects which are not related to own research tend to be neglected. Never mind, I'm not bothered with my FYP grade, only what I can learn from it by myself, since I cannot get 1st class anyway.
Ok, enough of words!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Can it be resolved?
"Never explain yourself to anyone,
because the person who likes you don't need it and
because the person who dislikes you won't believe it."
Since it's impossible for anyone to understand me really well, I've tried very hard to explain what kind of person I really am. But in the end, does anyone really take it seriously?
It's true that I have changed in the past year; I'm more direct with what I want to say. In the past, my bad communication skills and critical way of voicing out my opinion will very likely cause people to get the wrong idea. But if it’s a very important matter, I’ll directly voice out my opinion on it, even if people may be unhappy after hearing what I say.
Alas, being too frank landed myself in trouble. Just because of one misinterpreted blog post, people have been angry with me.
Frankly speaking, I have never expected or demanded my friends to entertain me all the time. Of course, I’m very aware that they have been very nice to me, tried to joke with me and I’ve never taken them for granted. A lot of times, I become not very responsive, as I have very big and troublesome non-academic problems to face. You may think “How big the problem can be?” You think I’m exaggerating. But I’m not. You will be so amused when you witnessed all those very big and troublesome problems only come to me when I am very busy and when people want to talk to me. I responded, even though it’s not much. The reason I don’t really want to tell others about my personal problems is that I don’t want others to pity me or to give me “special treatment”. When I noticed their attitude to me suddenly changed and seemed permanent, I’m worried something was happening. In the process of finding out what happened, a series of things I observed and experienced led me to write that post.
Me and them have been good friends over the past 3-4 years. In their opinion, am I really that kind of bad/evil person at the core? What about their interactions with me all along? What about all the things I have done in the past? Why does the foundation of friendship so weak, to the extent that it cannot even withstand a single blow? If it has been so weak all along, then I must have been living in my own imaginary, ideal world. It’s a fact that a thousand good things can be destroyed just by a single bad thing. But is the bond really so weak?
If they really intend to avoid or hate me forever after reading that blog post, I only have one thing to say.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Do we need to rush everything in life to be efficient?
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Enlightened Again
Today met up with an old friend to have a chit chat. Realized I've been so financially unsavvy all along and made a painful mistake, now experiencing its aftereffects. A lot of times, it really doesn’t take much time and effort to come up with a good plan and idea, it just need a calm and rational mind. It’s an “area for improvement” (quoted from Richard, the HRM lecturer)
All along, I have not been able to do things I really want to do, due to many constraints. I’ve been trying to change myself to adapt to the environment. I’m akin to a small bird trapped in a cage, able to see the wonderful things happening outside, but can’t do anything to experience it. The next step is to overcome the psychological activation energy. I need to try changing the environment slightly, to let people slowly understand what I wish to do. When this happens, I can take a breather and do meaningful things to broaden my experiences & insights & fly out of the cage for a moment...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Inspiring Thoughts

[2] http://www.sfgate.com/blogs/images/sfgate/techchron/2007/01/09/mn_macworld_caps104.jpg
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Pre-CNY Feeling
No one really knows how I feel. I'm not stressed or sad because of studies, which people always assume so. It's because a friendship has turned sour. A friend who in the past I always thought will never ignore me. But as the law of nature dictates, nothing is permanent. The same applies to people's feelings.
Why did they change?
I don't know how my good friends think of me. What I know is that I have always treasured them deep down in my heart. It's a hard cold fact that I am not very expressive or communicative, but I never despise my good friends!
Maybe I am not an important friend to them at all. But they are important to me. That's why I am angry. Maybe I am not the type who shows the obvious way of expressing concern.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Silence is Golden
Thursday, January 1, 2009
New Year 2009
Below is my little summary of the past year and wishes for the New Year.
2) Trust of others
3) Good relations with others
2) A FYP which I like a lot
3) A caring & nurturing FYP supervisor, who greatly inspires me with his philosophy & rigour
2) Eat healthily
3) Get enough sleep
1) Do FYP properly
2) Find a good job
3) Bring my parents here (hopefully)
4) Set a new direction in life
5) Live healthily
2) Stupidity
3) Blurness
4) Indecisiveness