Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Monalisa Drawn Using Paint?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Home Sweet Home
Incident 1 : Dad’s Motorbike Stolen
Date of theft : 22 June 2007
Time of theft : Afternoon, in broad daylight!
Bike owner : Sis & Dad
Bike info : Grand Prize from Lucky Draw (won by sis)
Ownership period : 6 months
Main suspect : Unknown
Cause of theft : Lost motorbike key. Too many customers in the shop. Too busy to notice.
Feeling : A real pity, it’s a nice bike. Thought we could never find it back.
Corrective action : Lodged police report
Result : Bike found after 2 hours @ thief’s home… Amazing!
The next day, read from newspaper that the thief was actually the parking attendant who usually help us to park the bikes. Who would have suspected him? He was known to be a nice & friendly guy. My mum told me he once checked with her the price of a babywalker, for his few-month old daughter. According to the paper, he felt remorseful & stole as he needed money to pay his debt (viz. 2.5 million rupiah, equivalent to S$420) for his wife’s delivery expenses at the hospital. It was a huge amount for a parking attendant who doesn’t earn much in a day. The sad thing is if convicted, he gotta serve a 7-year jail term. Oh my God! Even in countries known for its stringent laws like Singapore, punishment for minor theft is usually a few months jail & a sum of fine. Strangely enough, I didn’t feel angry, but somehow felt sad for him. How his wife & his 6-month old daughter going to cope without him? It’s a real sad story in a society where many people still live below the poverty line.
Incident 2 : A Brief Encounter with The Singapore Police Coast Guard
Date : 25 June 2007
Time : 12.50 pm - 1.00 pm
Ferry taken : Falcon 3
Location of interception : Nearby water off Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal
Reason for interception : Unknown
When the ferry I was taking was intercepted by Coast Guard, I thought there were terrorists hiding inside the ship! Yeah, I had my reason for that. This ferry is the ulu-est out of the 3 ferry operators for Singapore-Tanjung Pinang trip. Anyway, I decided to take this as I didn’t want to wake up too early for my trip back here. Haha, lazy me… Then, after their ship got close to our ferry, a few of them hopped onto our side, checked around & then returned to their ship. Yeah, it’s a false alarm. Hmm, maybe they got a wrong tip-off or maybe just a random routine check. Most importantly, I arrived safely in Singapore.
Incident 3 : Falling Sick (Part of A Series of Unfortunate Events)
Period : 25 June – now
Symptoms : Throat inflammation, sore throat, slight fever, runny nose, tired & heavy eyes
Reason : Ate too much “heaty” or "chilli-ed" food while back home
Under diligent effort by mum & grandma to achieve “Mission Impossible 5 -白白胖胖的华安“, I managed to gain 1 kg in just 5 days. That's the only good thing... But, this is just the beginning of my week-long suffering T__T
In the ferry, I already felt uneasy. It must be the "goodies" that I’ve been consuming "in moderation" for these 5 days. I've eaten You Tiao, Malay Mixed Rice, Nasi Padang, Curry Rice, Chilli Crab, Fried Guo Tiao & miscellaneous fried & spicy stuff. Haiz! (Note: In moderation = compared to previous worst experience)
Imagine coming back on 25 June feeling sick in the evening, went to see doctor with brother late at night in cold heavy rain & have to go for IA medical checkup on 26 June early morning. The checkup was at a 29th floor clinic in Republic Plaza @ Raffles Place. Hmm, I did urine test, blood test, X-Ray, vision test, audiometry, height & weight measurements & consultation with doctor. The entire process took almost 3 hours! I was shivering in cold, having slight fever, waiting helplessly for my queue number to appear & my name to be called. I told the doctor about this. He said it shouldn’t affect the test results. Hopefully everything is ok, because I don’t wanna return again for checkup!
Ok, I shall end here & have a good rest. Just wanna recover a.s.a.p., as I have tons of things to do before IA... Read up some IT books, old poly notes, room clean-up, shop for clothes for IA, etc. Sooooo many things!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Outing @ Pulau Ubin (19 June 2007)
The background is the Pulau Ubin Quarry, with a rather blue-green & clear lake-view. It's beautiful! Finally, I managed to catch a glimpse of water body with non-greenish or non-brownish colour in Singapore!

Nah, here comes the long-awaited natural wonders...
The Guan Yin Stone (观音石) was spotted about a month ago. Look! The similarity is amazing! Or should I say nature is amazing?
The Giant Lizard or Small Komodo??
Hmm, saw this creature hurriedly crawling to the bushes while cycling along the road. We didn't see clearly how it looks like. Haha, now caught it in the act! It looks so sianz...
Then, near the end of the cycling marathon, we found The 贞子 Well! Finally! A great opportunity for SZ to take pics. Haha...

RJ jaw-dropped after catching Kawaii 贞子淑铮 in action!
淑铮 & her famous well
After a long search, we finally found the legendary Chek Jawa. I was quite disappointed, as it wasn't as beautiful or as exciting as what was described in books or TV. However, there is this nice Swiss Cottage near Chek Jawa. Haha, not really a wasted trip...

The Swiss Cottage (front view)
The Swiss Cottage (rear view from the bridge)
Modern Sanzo (TK) & his top disciple (CS) @ Chek Jawa
Hahaha, here comes the nominated "Most Kawaii Pic Of The Day - The 1,2,5 Pic". See the nice new bridge behind... An ideal location for a-couple-run-towards-each-other scene or for Titanic pose at the corner! Haha..
Say cheesez!

五个人 looking suspicious

What did TK & CS see? Me looking stunned...
Yeah, the Swiss Cottage is the last stop. It was a nice experience @ P.Ubin. Haven't had such a vigorous workout for so long. Thanks to RJ for being our tour guide & JY for organising this outing!
Arigato gozaimashita!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
1. Be more confident in myself
Used to be confident (poly & working time), thou not obvious. For some unknown reasons, my confidence level dropped after I got into uni.
2. Be more mindful in thinking, listening, speaking & doing things
I can be “blur-like-sotong”, sometimes making mistakes for very-simple tasks! I'll seriously change this. I wanna be a person whom others can depend on, in any kind of situations.
3. Be more humorous, more fluid & less 罗唆 in communicating with other people
Definitely in my high-priority list! I know I appeared very quiet on the surface. Actually I can be talkative de, but also depends on the topic. If I really feel tired, I'd prefer not to talk. Also if I dunno much about a topic, I’d rather not talk about it, so as not to embarrass myself (bcoz of my ignorance) in front of others.
4. Be a person armed with wide general knowledge
It's good to have more topics to talk about with others (other than academic or other serious matters) & not be stereotyped as an “ice-man”, “bookworm” & "blockwood".
5. Be clearer of my direction & purpose in life
Maybe too occupied with trivial things? Sometimes, in the midst of doing sth, I'd stop & ask myself “Hey, why am I doing this thing? What is it for?” It’s a bit weird.
6. Be more pro-active in anything & not passive most of the time
Well, this is the main side effect of my bad communication skills. I once read somewhere that 1st impression of a person is formed within 10 seconds of observation. Non-verbal cues have the most impact. Maybe I don't give good 1st impression on others, so that's why people would feel uncomfortable or weird while talking to me. Yeah, I can really sensed that. When I sensed that people are uncomfortable talking to me, I'd feel uncomfortable too. So as not to make it worse, I'd rather not talk too much. What a stupid thinking!
7. Be wiser, more logical & creative in anything
Sometimes I made stupid decisions. Besides to learn to be more flexible & less stubborn, I must also learn how to talk nonsense, creatively!
8. Be more decisive & have good time management
I can really get carried away by things that I enjoy doing or matters that have troubled me for some time. So I tend to spend too much time on sth, at the expense of other more important things. This is REAL REAL bad habit & I urgently have to change it.
9. Be more adventurous in trying out new things & to experience life
Probably, I'll try more outdoor sports, arts, more travel trips, etc. I wanna learn new languages too, Japanese, Chinese & French!
10. Be a healthier person
I tend to be absorbed while doing things & frequently eating unhealthy food, esp. when I'm busy at work. I also seriously lack exercise!
I wanna clarify sth here, so that I won't be misunderstood next time. Actually the "sianz/dark/gloomy" face that u see is not bcoz I’m sad, angry, arrogant or anything, but really bcoz I'm tired. I dunno what happened to me, I almost always feel tired (esp. my eyes) in the afternoon, regardless of what time I sleep the previous nite.
So the highest priority now is to eat more healthy food, exercise & rest enuff everyday! As the saying goes, Mens sana in corpore sano, i.e. a healthy mind in a healthy body.
Yeah, I know this is going to be a very big project. I’ll put in effort. Hopefully I can be happier & people would be more refreshed with the new me.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Updates on IA Allocation Results
We have been informed by Pfizer Asia Pacific Pte Ltd that you have been accepted for Industrial Attachment after the interview.
Since then, I 悔过 & managed to salvage it & passed my Maths.
Yeah I know, this is kinda hard to believe. Good thing is that, for the moment, I dun need to think of IA anymore. Just wanna make full use of the remaining holidays.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Now I had plenty of time to think of what I wanna do next during holidays. Erm, dun really like the feeling of doing nothing, as the mind starts wandering around when it's unoccupied. Anyway, it's time to have a good rest...
Saturday, June 9, 2007
The Sentimental Adventures of the Heart and Soul
Sentimental Adventure 1 [ HEAVEN - (miss)understood ]
The moment I heard the background music, I kind of travelled back in space & time, to my 1st encounter with the song in CS blog. At that time, I have a very special feeling, even thou I didn't understand what the song was about... My heart said "This is the one. The feeling that I'm lookin' for". It brings back so much memories of the past. Only when I saw the lyrics & listened to the song again, I felt the message the song wanted to bring across. Two lovers were unfortunately separated. Even thou one of them was gone, the other felt & yearned for the love to remain by her side. Their unfading love will always be remembered. This is their destiny. Maybe it's the way Ayumi bring the song across, the feel of the entire song is so heartwrenching... T__T

Jewel represents of one of man's most-wanted desire, as it is one representation of material wealth. But, can jewel itself represent emotional wealth? Here, the different jewels represent different human desires in this world. Maybe the jewels also represent someone that she misses so much. As she look into the jewel, tears roll down, as feelings sank painfully deep into her heart. If the jewel is able to speak, how she wish it could tell her its sorrow. The precious jewel..
This song somehow gives me a feel of missing someone deeply. Someone that may be long gone, someone who may be in a very far away place. The deep feeling for that person is contained in the jewel. How I wish I could communicate with the jewel...
[ The screenshots for this part are by courtesy of CS ]
Sentimental Adventure 3 [ Momentum - Secret ]
Literarily, momentum means a force that increases the rate of development of a process. The winter season is freezing cold & everyone yearns to be around other people, to get warmth in coldness. Her love is the sole driving force behind her courage to stay on in this cold world. Even when the night comes & she is freezing in the white snow, she recalled the days when they were together & continued to hold on & waiting for time to slowly tick away... It was a miracle that she could continue to survive in this world, despite that he's no longer around...
This song gives me a feel of emotional strength, as great courage is needed to stay on in a lonely & freezing cold world, without the person you wish to be together with. [ Hmm, the above were my interpretation of the lyrics and emotions of the songs. It may not be accurate, but this is how I feel. ]
Other songs that also bring back much of the past memories include Hanabi, Heartplace, Rainbow, We Wish [ Rainbow ] and I am..., M [ I am... ].
Well, it seems that I'm really too free to write all these things. It's time to let go of these emotions & be more rational. Gotta start mugging for exam again, haiz...
Friday, June 8, 2007
Release of Exam Results
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Results of IA Allocation
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
ATP Chalet @ Costa Sands Resort (Pasir Ris)
Haha, see how happy they were with 2+2+0.5 candles = 22.5 years old!
Then after birthday celebration, the mahjong lab session starts. The lab instructors consisted of KB, CS, TK & SZ and with 3 students, LM, JY & me. The exciting thing was that I won on my 1st attempt, under guidance of KB, hahaha.. But after that, in return for their effort, paid a lot of blue, purple, yellow & red-chip stocks to all the 师傅s...
The 3 师傅s & Liming happily chatting & laughing
Me looking blankly at the mahjong tiles
Nominated Farniest Picture of the Day
"The Fuming Tat Kuan"
Near the completion of mahjong-marathon, the sun slowly rose... Then gradually experiencing a feeling of 舍不得. Why must it end so soon? It's not the mahjong that I'm referring to, but the gathering... Although my eyelids already half-closed n brain also half turned-off (obvious from the photo above), but I'm strongly aware that.... I have such an amazing bunch of very good, sincere, understanding, caring, fun-loving, interesting, thoughtful, humorous friends and the list goes on... A lot of times, I feel that I'm so weird, coz I'm too shy for a person of my age. I'm trying to change this annoyin' thing, hoping more people can accept me. The good thing is that I know I have a good start, since I got to know such a group of precious friends who dun mind my weirdness, willing to accept me, sharing joys & solving difficult problems together... Yeah, I can be very emotional sometimes, especially when I deeply feel about sth...
In short, I'm so fortunate & glad to know u guys. I really had a great time and it was a fun-filled chalet!
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Stiff Hands & Fingers - Signs of RSI ?
Friday, June 1, 2007
Healthy Juices - Healthy Life
Carrot + Ginger + Apple
Apple + Cucumber + Celery
Tomato + Carrot + Apple
Bitter gourd + Apple + Milk
Orange + Ginger + Cucumber
Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon
Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi
Pear + Banana
Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango
Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk
Papaya + Pineapple + Milk