Saturday, June 2, 2007

Stiff Hands & Fingers - Signs of RSI ?

Earlier on, while trying to write some notes on EM103, found sth shocking! I couldn't hold my pen properly and my fingers were rather stiff & couldn't be moved freely. Somemore, my handwriting has mutated into an "Curlyitalicised" font type. Oh no! What happened??

Then remembered recently Prof Lim (EM103) mentioned about The Blackberry Thumb. It's a type of repetitive strain injury or RSI (a.k.a. cumulative trauma) due to occupational overuse of computer or hand-held devices, which affects muscles, tendons & nerves in the thumb. It occurs when muscles in these areas are kept tense for very long periods of time, due to poor posture and/or repetitive motions.

He said older-generation students did a lot of hand-writing, while new-generation ones mostly use computers & handheld devices. This is one of the reasons why nowadays, students' handwriting are soooo intelligible. Upper management people, e.g. executives, CEOs, Deans are also victims of this medical condition, due to frequently using Blackberry... Haha, I do agree with him on this, except about the bad handwriting.. Hmm, I do know people who use computer a lot but still have very nice handwriting...

For the past week, I've indeed been lazying around, not doing much writing, at most only scribbling. Haiz, I wonder how am I gonna write in the exam with such stiff fingers... Haha, it's ironic that, humans, after going thru so much advancement in technologies, in the end, cannot even properly perform one of the most primitive tasks of writing with a pen. I think this not only applies to this case, but many other cases as well...

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