Friday, June 15, 2007

Updates on IA Allocation Results

This afternoon was just like any other days. Got a new email & I stared closely & carefully at the screen. What?? Is this for REAL?? I got it!

We have been informed by Pfizer Asia Pacific Pte Ltd that
you have been accepted for Industrial Attachment after the interview.

This finally ended my troubled IA adventure. Haha interestingly, this also further proves my hypothesis "Number 3 is my lucky number". I don't really believe in this, but evidences below show otherwise.

J In Sec 2, I got my lowest grade of all times in my report card, in auspicious red colour, due to heavy addiction to video games. The culprit was Mathematics, I got 3 out of max possible grade of 10.

Since then, I 悔过 & managed to salvage it & passed my Maths.

J In high school, I was in 3rd position more frequently than any other positions.

J When I applied for admission to poly, chemical engineering was not my 1st choice. It was my 3rd choice.

J After graduating from poly, it was only until the 3rd interview that I got my 1st full-time job @ SOXAL.

J Only at the 3rd IA selection, after unsuccessful 1st round interview & unsuccessful 1st round allocation, I got my IA placement.

Yeah I know, this is kinda hard to believe. Good thing is that, for the moment, I dun need to think of IA anymore. Just wanna make full use of the remaining holidays.

Anyway, this IA programme is gonna be a challenge to me, as I'll be doing IT jobs (which I'm not very good at) & this also marks the 1st time Pfizer formally offered an internship to NTU CBE students. I'll try my best & I hope I can meet their expectations.



Anonymous said...

Congrats congrats

I need to wait until Monday till my "true" holiday comes. (Dunnoe Nth time i said this "true" holiday thingy... hope this time is really true. haha.


Anonymous said...

Haha thanks le, JY. U should be able to get it de, no worries..