Thursday, June 14, 2007


Finally finished EM103 exam today. Yesterday also went to Pfizer interview liao... 终于等到这一天了!

About the interview, it was just ok i think. It's the least-tensed interview that I ever had. I told myself, I must smile & cannot be nervous or else I'll screw up again! But, then the interviewers said it wasn't really on process control & developing control graphics & modules, but more on IT-support & troubleshooting kinda tasks (i.e. software/hardware helpdesk). In my heart, I was like "Oooh ok, hmm...". Frankly speaking, I was so enthu to do IA @ Pfizer, as it has been one of my dreamz to work in a pharma company. But this time, I'll be doing non-mainstream job. I hesistated, dunno if I should grab it if offered, since I'll be doing it for 22 weeks! In the end, I decided to just let nature take its own course. If successful, I'll take it else just choose ICES. Hmm, see how bah...

Haha, by the way, last nite or should be today, I wasn't really in study-mood & started MSN-ing from 11+ pm - 2+ am. Chatted with CS, JY, SZ & started reconstructing ATP relationships. Played all sorts of combinations, including pairing up those obviously unworkable pairs, haha... Getting too high while laming & couldn't sleep after that. Decided to read a bit more & I slept @ 4 am & exam @ 9 am! I asked myself, am I mad? It's exam leh! As expected, I woke up late @ 7.50 am, then quickly rushed to sch & scanned notes again... The exam should be ok I think, hopefully..

Now I had plenty of time to think of what I wanna do next during holidays. Erm, dun really like the feeling of doing nothing, as the mind starts wandering around when it's unoccupied. Anyway, it's time to have a good rest...

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