Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Home Sweet Home

It's a truly short holiday back home (21-25 June). I didn't do much things, only helping to tend the shop, chatting & eating... Ok, a list of “big incidents" are shown below.

Incident 1 : Dad’s Motorbike Stolen

Date of theft : 22 June 2007
Time of theft : Afternoon, in broad daylight!
Bike owner : Sis & Dad
Bike info : Grand Prize from Lucky Draw (won by sis)
Ownership period : 6 months
Main suspect : Unknown
Cause of theft : Lost motorbike key. Too many customers in the shop. Too busy to notice.
Feeling : A real pity, it’s a nice bike. Thought we could never find it back.
Corrective action : Lodged police report
Result : Bike found after 2 hours @ thief’s home… Amazing!

The next day, read from newspaper that the thief was actually the parking attendant who usually help us to park the bikes. Who would have suspected him? He was known to be a nice & friendly guy. My mum told me he once checked with her the price of a babywalker, for his few-month old daughter. According to the paper, he felt remorseful & stole as he needed money to pay his debt (viz. 2.5 million rupiah, equivalent to S$420) for his wife’s delivery expenses at the hospital. It was a huge amount for a parking attendant who doesn’t earn much in a day. The sad thing is if convicted, he gotta serve a 7-year jail term. Oh my God! Even in countries known for its stringent laws like Singapore, punishment for minor theft is usually a few months jail & a sum of fine. Strangely enough, I didn’t feel angry, but somehow felt sad for him. How his wife & his 6-month old daughter going to cope without him? It’s a real sad story in a society where many people still live below the poverty line.

Incident 2 : A Brief Encounter with The Singapore Police Coast Guard

Date : 25 June 2007
Time : 12.50 pm - 1.00 pm
Ferry taken : Falcon 3
Location of interception : Nearby water off Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal
Reason for interception : Unknown

When the ferry I was taking was intercepted by Coast Guard, I thought there were terrorists hiding inside the ship! Yeah, I had my reason for that. This ferry is the ulu-est out of the 3 ferry operators for Singapore-Tanjung Pinang trip. Anyway, I decided to take this as I didn’t want to wake up too early for my trip back here. Haha, lazy me… Then, after their ship got close to our ferry, a few of them hopped onto our side, checked around & then returned to their ship. Yeah, it’s a false alarm. Hmm, maybe they got a wrong tip-off or maybe just a random routine check. Most importantly, I arrived safely in Singapore.

Incident 3 : Falling Sick (Part of A Series of Unfortunate Events)

Period : 25 June – now
Symptoms : Throat inflammation, sore throat, slight fever, runny nose, tired & heavy eyes
Reason : Ate too much “heaty” or "chilli-ed" food while back home

Under diligent effort by mum & grandma to achieve “Mission Impossible 5 -白白胖胖的华安“, I managed to gain 1 kg in just 5 days. That's the only good thing... But, this is just the beginning of my week-long suffering T__T

In the ferry, I already felt uneasy. It must be the "goodies" that I’ve been consuming "in moderation" for these 5 days. I've eaten You Tiao, Malay Mixed Rice, Nasi Padang, Curry Rice, Chilli Crab, Fried Guo Tiao & miscellaneous fried & spicy stuff. Haiz!
(Note: In moderation = compared to previous worst experience)

Imagine coming back on 25 June feeling sick in the evening, went to see doctor with brother late at night in cold heavy rain & have to go for IA medical checkup on 26 June early morning. The checkup was at a 29th floor clinic in Republic Plaza @ Raffles Place. Hmm, I did urine test, blood test, X-Ray, vision test, audiometry, height & weight measurements & consultation with doctor. The entire process took almost 3 hours! I was shivering in cold, having slight fever, waiting helplessly for my queue number to appear & my name to be called. I told the doctor about this. He said it shouldn’t affect the test results. Hopefully everything is ok, because I don’t wanna return again for checkup!

Ok, I shall end here & have a good rest. Just wanna recover a.s.a.p., as I have tons of things to do before IA... Read up some IT books, old poly notes, room clean-up, shop for clothes for IA, etc. Sooooo many things!

God bless!

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