Saturday, June 9, 2007

The Sentimental Adventures of the Heart and Soul

Dunno why, recently I seem to be hit by waves of sentimental emotions. Entire mind filled with memories of the past & present and images of the future. While revising for exam earlier, felt a bit bored & decided to listen to some music. Then saw Ayumi's album. Without much hesitation, I plunged into it. Before even I realised it, the sentimental adventures of the heart & soul began...

Sentimental Adventure 1 [ HEAVEN - (miss)understood ]

The moment I heard the background music, I kind of travelled back in space & time, to my 1st encounter with the song in CS blog. At that time, I have a very special feeling, even thou I didn't understand what the song was about... My heart said "This is the one. The feeling that I'm lookin' for". It brings back so much memories of the past. Only when I saw the lyrics & listened to the song again, I felt the message the song wanted to bring across. Two lovers were unfortunately separated. Even thou one of them was gone, the other felt & yearned for the love to remain by her side. Their unfading love will always be remembered. This is their destiny. Maybe it's the way Ayumi bring the song across, the feel of the entire song is so heartwrenching... T__T

Sentimental Adventure 2 [ JEWEL - Secret ]

Jewel represents of one of man's most-wanted desire, as it is one representation of material wealth. But, can jewel itself represent emotional wealth? Here, the different jewels represent different human desires in this world. Maybe the jewels also represent someone that she misses so much. As she look into the jewel, tears roll down, as feelings sank painfully deep into her heart. If the jewel is able to speak, how she wish it could tell her its sorrow. The precious jewel..

This song somehow gives me a feel of missing someone deeply. Someone that may be long gone, someone who may be in a very far away place. The deep feeling for that person is contained in the jewel. How I wish I could communicate with the jewel...

[ The screenshots for this part are by courtesy of CS ]

Sentimental Adventure 3 [ Momentum - Secret ]

Literarily, momentum means a force that increases the rate of development of a process. The winter season is freezing cold & everyone yearns to be around other people, to get warmth in coldness. Her love is the sole driving force behind her courage to stay on in this cold world. Even when the night comes & she is freezing in the white snow, she recalled the days when they were together & continued to hold on & waiting for time to slowly tick away... It was a miracle that she could continue to survive in this world, despite that he's no longer around...

This song gives me a feel of emotional strength, as great courage is needed to stay on in a lonely & freezing cold world, without the person you wish to be together with. [ Hmm, the above were my interpretation of the lyrics and emotions of the songs. It may not be accurate, but this is how I feel. ]


Other songs that also bring back much of the past memories include Hanabi, Heartplace, Rainbow, We Wish [ Rainbow ] and I am..., M [ I am... ].

Well, it seems that I'm really too free to write all these things. It's time to let go of these emotions & be more rational. Gotta start mugging for exam again, haiz...



Anonymous said...


one more Ayu fan here!!

but u bought her albums arh?? wow~ i only got a few of her albums leh...

but now i listen to her other songs liao... we wish is no longer my fav =p


Anonymous said...

Haha, my sis bought her album in Indo.. but very long time ago liao..

Hmm, last wk I was exploring her other songs at crunchyroll.. There's quite a few of her MVs, but not much songs from her new album le..

My all-time favourite is Heaven, so touching. Maybe next time KTV i can try to sing this song, haha!