Thursday, June 7, 2007

Results of IA Allocation

Yeah! Finally I managed to select an IA organisation of my choice! Phew!!

It was a tough time for me, after several attempts of trying to secure an internship.

First Interview : Merck (Unsuccessful)
1st Round of IA Allocation : Unsuccessful
2nd Round of IA Selection : Pfizer (Pending for Acceptance / Waiting for Interview Notice)

Since yesterday, from the moment I learnt that I wasn't allocated any companies after the 1st round, my mind was in a whirl. From 6 June (9 am) - 7 June (9 am), IA-related things kept flying around in my head. "What if this happens? What if that happens? What should I do then?" It was a real trauma. I tried to estimate probabilities of getting various IA programmes, IA companies, etc., until finally came up with a choice, viz. Pfizer, with favourable chance of getting in, where my interests lie & where learning opportunities are abundant. Thanks a lot to JY for her suggestion. It was a smooth choice, walk-over "Fastest Fingers First". Phew! Finally managed to understand the psychology of fellow CBE coursemates...

Hope this is the turning point of my Luck Curve & all other things proceed smoothly. Now, I only hope & can only pray that I can successfully get my IA placement without anymore interview, coz I really dread it. God Bless!


Anonymous said...


you are welcome fren~ you helped me alot too!! let's pray together and hope for the best.

me agree that this week has been traumatising... wave after wave of emotions + tiredness + decisions + results + task to complete. Pulling-through i guess, now is already friday. And we shall work hard for exam next week!

(*pray pray*)

Anonymous said...

Haha no prob, fren.. Yah, we'll keep praying for successful acceptance... Let's wait for the good news!

Gambatte for EM103!